dryer vent cleaning

Dryer Vent Cleaning and Safety Tips

Cleaning the dryer vent is not an easy task. People cannot do it on their own. For such a task, everyone needs the professional’s help. Along with this, during the dryer vent cleaning, everyone has to take some safety measures. Safety measures are useful in preventing hazardous conditions. According to some experts, if your dryer vent is not properly cleaned, it can become a reason for the fire.

Many house fire incidents take place only due to issues or improperly cleaned dryer vents. In many camps, these types of things are used for lightening the campfires. The availability of lint inside the dryer vent always increases the risk of fire. At once, fire takes place; it will take the complete house down. Due to all these things, everyone hires the best dryer vent cleaners.

Key Safety Tips

If you hire professionals to clean the dryer vent, you should focus on the following safety tips.

Check Out Dryer Vents From Outside

Firstly, you should switch on your dryer vent and check all exhaust areas from outside properly. You should ensure that air is getting outside the vents. If you don’t feel any hot air coming outside from dryer vents, you should consider proper vent inspection immediately. It can help you find out the main reason behind it. In case lint is the reason, you have to take some steps immediately and clean everything quickly by removing lint.

Lint Trap

The dryer vents are featured with a lint trap. It works by trapping lint inside the dryer and preventing it from releasing in the open atmosphere. Availability of lint in an open atmosphere can decrease the air quality and lead to health issues. This particular trap is placed near the air that normally reaches 550 degrees. Whenever you go for laundry, you should inspect your lint trap first. If it contains lint or a related component, you should clean it first and then proceed further. You should not run a dryer without a lint trap or with a lint trap full of lint.

Understand Fire Safety Codes

You should be completely focused during the dryer vent installation and never forget to get local fire safety codes. You should ensure that while installing and using the dryer vents, you are taking care of everything. The most important part of the vent is the exhaust. The improper functioning of the exhaust can increase the chances of fire. You should try to keep a short dryer duct to decrease the chances of fire.

Long ducts increase the chances of building lint inside the duct. The smallest size of duct can be 4 inches, and the largest is 25 feet. Along with it, you should make sure that the exhaust duct goes outside the house only. Your dryer vent should not release exhaust air inside the house.

Remove All Flammable Items

You should not keep any flammable thing near the dryer vents. Generally, people used to place clothes, baskets, paint, and cleaning products near dryer vents. All these items are flammable and can catch fire in no time. You should always try to focus on keeping the dryer vent area completely free from such items.

Keep Fire Extinguisher

We discussed earlier how dangerous the use of a dryer vent is. Excess collection of lint can cause anything and lead to some disasters. In case any unfavorable condition appears, and you face fire due to a dryer vent, you need a fire extinguisher immediately to prevent damage at a large scale and diminish the fire quickly. By keeping such a thing in mind, you should always keep a fire extinguisher near the dryer vent.

Scheduled Cleaning

For avoiding dangerous and problem-creating conditions, you should try to keep cleaning sessions properly scheduled. You should try to keep the vents completely clean and eliminate the lint every time before using it.

These are some key safety tips that you should keep in mind. When it comes to proper cleaning, you should consider the best dryer vent cleaning company only. The company will assign cleaning professionals with years of experience in such work and know-how to completely eliminate lint from dryer vents.